Is NATO Responsible For The Russia & Ukraine War?

Ankur Srivastav
2 min readMar 12, 2022

Yes, from my research this all started by the US Department and NATO. The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) is an alliance of countries from Europe and North America that was created for the purpose of collective defense.

In recent years, NATO has been expanding its presence eastward, which has led to increased tensions with Russia. The conflict in Ukraine is just one example of how these tensions have manifested themselves.

Some people argue that NATO is to blame for the Russia-Ukraine war because it has been provocating Russia with its expansion into Eastern Europe. Others argue that Russia is solely to blame for the conflict and that NATO is not responsible.

It is clear that NATO’s actions have played a role in the escalation of the conflict, and thus the organization must accept some responsibility for the current state of affairs. However, it is also important to remember that Russia has been engaging in aggressive and expansionist behavior of its own in recent years.

The bottom line is that both NATO and Russia are responsible for the current state of affairs. The conflict in Ukraine is a direct result of the two sides’ unwillingness to back down or compromise. If either side had been willing to do so, the conflict could have been avoided.

Let’s Pray For All Ukrainians!!!.



Ankur Srivastav

I am passionate SEO content writer and love to write about different money making tips that will help people to make their career like me.